Figuring Out Your Ideal Blog Post Length

Figuring Out Your Ideal Blog Post Length

Not everyone agrees on the ideal number of words per blog post. You’ll find blogs that rarely feature pieces over 800 words and others that always publish posts surpassing 2000 words. Their page views might be similar despite the disparity in blog post length, so not everything is about those numbers. To figure out the best word count for your blog posts, you’ll need to consider several factors unique to your blog niche, your audience, … Read More

How to Create Personal & Unique Blog Posts

How to Create Personal & Unique Blog Posts

Conjuring up unique blog post ideas isn’t always a simple task. Self-doubt creeps in whenever promising possibilities are dashed by an endless wave of similar search results. But don’t discount the seeds of a valuable post before exploring it from every angle. You may discover that you absolutely do have something fresh and helpful to add to the existing conversation. Every writer has their own perspective to share How one person interprets a situation will … Read More

Entice Readers with Dazzling Stock Photos

Entice Readers with Dazzling Stock Photos

Every blog benefits from eye-catching imagery to evoke curiosity and illustrate your intent. At a minimum, include a featured image at the top of each post and seek out opportunities for adding other pictures throughout. Not only does this spruce up a plain website, but it creates distinction for every piece you write. The trick is finding these complementary photos and using them with permission. Think again if you expected to simply snag whatever you … Read More

Adding Whitespace Can Attract Readers

Adding Whitespace Can Attract Readers

Most websites are overflowing with different types of content competing for your attention. Consider the chaotic appearance of a typical news article. There are lists of other stories to read, a queue of auto-playing videos, and ads indistinguishable from official content. Yep, this is how we tumble down endless internet rabbit holes! Sometimes it’s fun following the next lead, while other times, it feels more like a trap. Either way, you may have noticed that … Read More

Blog Post Titles that Captivate Audiences

Blog Post Titles that Captivate Audiences

If you have been writing your blog post titles all willy-nilly, you need to revamp your process pronto! Your strategic word choice needs to stop chronic web scrollers dead in their tracks. Earn more clicks by following these essential guidelines to produce an attention-grabbing headline for your blog post. Your headline must always be accurate I’m kicking off this list by stressing the importance of authenticity. You must evoke curiosity in viewers so they’ll want … Read More